Layout Editor

Android Studio provides a bundled layout editor. This allows the developers to get a preview of what their layouts will look like on devices.

Official documentation by Google is available here:

Target Pepper tablet preview

Android Studio allows developers to preview their layout for many screens and resolutions.

To obtain an accurate display of your applications for Pepper, it is required to tell Android Studio to use the Pepper Tablet configuration. Ensuring you have the Pepper plugin installed, you can switch the targeted device to Pepper’s tablet.


SpeechBar preview

You can get a preview of the SpeechBar and its strategies in the editor.

It is required that your application gradle’s file references the com.aldebaran:qisdk-design dependency.

Also, make sure the “Show Layout Decorations” option is checked:


You can use the Themes selection menu to get some SpeechBar previews.


The rendering of the screen including the SpeechBar may not be exactly how the app will look like. It is designed to help dealing with the space or overlaps done by using the SpeechBar.


Display SpeechBar with Always Strategy

Use RobotTheme.Editor.SpeechBar.Always


Display SpeechBar with Overlay Strategy

Use RobotTheme.Editor.SpeechBar.Overlay

You may add padding to ensure that your content is visible when the bar appears.


The preview helps you to identify overlapping areas.


Please note that on the preview the SpeechBar will appear below your content.


Display SpeechBar with Immersive Strategy

Use RobotTheme.Editor.SpeechBar.Immersive

You may add padding to ensure that your content is visible when the bar appears.


The preview helps you to identify overlapping areas.


Please note that on the preview the SpeechBar will appear below your content.
