Extend a map, display it


In this tutorial, we will see how to display the graphical representation of an ExplorationMap, and how to extend a previously created map.


Before stepping in this tutorial, you should:

Let’s start a new project

  • Start a new project, let’s call it ExtendMapPepper.
  • Robotify it and make sure it implements the QiSDK & the Robot Life Cycle.

For further details, see: Creating a robot application.

UI setup

Let’s start by adding the UI for the application. Put the following code in activity_main.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


        android:text="Start mapping"

        android:text="Extend map"


It consists of:

  • An ImageView to display the map graphical representation.
  • A Button to start the mapping.
  • A Button to extend the map.

Initial mapping

Add a QiContext field in the MainActivity:

// The QiContext provided by the QiSDK.
private var qiContext: QiContext? = null
// The QiContext provided by the QiSDK.
private QiContext qiContext;

Then to store the QiContext, put the following code in the onRobotFocusGained method:

// Store the provided QiContext.
this.qiContext = qiContext
// Store the provided QiContext.
this.qiContext = qiContext;

And, to remove it, add the following code in the onRobotFocusLost method:

// Remove the QiContext.
this.qiContext = null
// Remove the QiContext.
this.qiContext = null;

Add a mapSurroundings method to map Pepper’s surroundings and retrieve the corresponding map. For this, we’ll use the LocalizeAndMap action:

private fun mapSurroundings(qiContext: QiContext): Future<ExplorationMap> {
    // Create a Promise to set the operation state later.
    val promise = Promise<ExplorationMap>().apply {
        // If something tries to cancel the associated Future, do cancel it.
        setOnCancel {
            if (!it.future.isDone) {

    // Create a LocalizeAndMap, run it, and keep the Future.
    val localizeAndMapFuture = LocalizeAndMapBuilder.with(qiContext)
            .andThenCompose { localizeAndMap ->
                // Add an OnStatusChangedListener to know when the robot is localized.
                localizeAndMap.addOnStatusChangedListener { status ->
                    if (status == LocalizationStatus.LOCALIZED) {
                        // Retrieve the map.
                        val explorationMap = localizeAndMap.dumpMap()
                        // Set the Promise state in success, with the ExplorationMap.
                        if (!promise.future.isDone) {

                // Run the LocalizeAndMap.
                localizeAndMap.async().run().thenConsume {
                    // Remove the OnStatusChangedListener.
                    // In case of error, forward it to the Promise.
                    if (it.hasError() && !promise.future.isDone) {

    // Return the Future associated to the Promise.
    return promise.future.thenCompose {
        // Stop the LocalizeAndMap.
        return@thenCompose it
private Future<ExplorationMap> mapSurroundings(QiContext qiContext) {
    // Create a Promise to set the operation state later.
    Promise<ExplorationMap> promise = new Promise<>();
    // If something tries to cancel the associated Future, do cancel it.
    promise.setOnCancel(ignored -> {
        if (!promise.getFuture().isDone()) {

    // Create a LocalizeAndMap, run it, and keep the Future.
    Future<Void> localizeAndMapFuture = LocalizeAndMapBuilder.with(qiContext)
            .andThenCompose(localizeAndMap -> {
                // Add an OnStatusChangedListener to know when the robot is localized.
                localizeAndMap.addOnStatusChangedListener(status -> {
                    if (status == LocalizationStatus.LOCALIZED) {
                        // Retrieve the map.
                        ExplorationMap explorationMap = localizeAndMap.dumpMap();
                        // Set the Promise state in success, with the ExplorationMap.
                        if (!promise.getFuture().isDone()) {

                // Run the LocalizeAndMap.
                return localizeAndMap.async().run().thenConsume(future -> {
                    // Remove the OnStatusChangedListener.
                    // In case of error, forward it to the Promise.
                    if (future.hasError() && !promise.getFuture().isDone()) {

    // Return the Future associated to the Promise.
    return promise.getFuture().thenCompose(future -> {
        // Stop the LocalizeAndMap.
        return future;

Store an ExplorationMap in the MainActivity, it will be the initial map:

// The initial ExplorationMap.
private var initialExplorationMap: ExplorationMap? = null
// The initial ExplorationMap.
private ExplorationMap initialExplorationMap = null;

Add a mapToBitmap method to convert an ExplorationMap to a Bitmap. We’ll use the ExplorationMap.topGraphicalRepresentation method:

private fun mapToBitmap(explorationMap: ExplorationMap): Bitmap {
    // Get the ByteBuffer containing the map graphical representation.
    val byteBuffer = explorationMap.topGraphicalRepresentation.image.data.apply { rewind() }
    // Get the buffer size.
    val size = byteBuffer.remaining()
    // Transform the buffer to a ByteArray.
    val byteArray = ByteArray(size).also { byteBuffer.get(it) }
    // Transform the ByteArray to a Bitmap.
    return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byteArray, 0, size)
private Bitmap mapToBitmap(ExplorationMap explorationMap) {
    // Get the ByteBuffer containing the map graphical representation.
    ByteBuffer byteBuffer = explorationMap.getTopGraphicalRepresentation().getImage().getData();
    // Get the buffer size.
    int size = byteBuffer.remaining();
    // Transform the buffer to a ByteArray.
    byte[] byteArray = new byte[size];
    // Transform the ByteArray to a Bitmap.
    return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byteArray, 0, size);

Add a displayMap method to display the map in an ImageView:

private fun displayMap(bitmap: Bitmap) {
    // Set the ImageView bitmap.
private void displayMap(Bitmap bitmap) {
    // Set the ImageView bitmap.


In Java, do not forget to find mapImageView in the onCreate method and store it in the MainActivity.

Add a startMappingStep method to start the mapping step. It will use the previously created methods:

private fun startMappingStep(qiContext: QiContext) {
    // Disable "start mapping" button.
    startMappingButton.isEnabled = false
    // Map the surroundings and get the map.
    mapSurroundings(qiContext).thenConsume { future ->
        if (future.isSuccess) {
            val explorationMap = future.get()
            // Store the initial map.
            this.initialExplorationMap = explorationMap
            // Convert the map to a bitmap.
            val bitmap = mapToBitmap(explorationMap)
            // Display the bitmap and enable "extend map" button.
            runOnUiThread {
                if (lifecycle.currentState.isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED)) {
                    extendMapButton.isEnabled = true
        } else {
            // If the operation is not a success, re-enable "start mapping" button.
            runOnUiThread {
                if (lifecycle.currentState.isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED)) {
                    startMappingButton.isEnabled = true
private void startMappingStep(QiContext qiContext) {
    // Disable "start mapping" button.
    // Map the surroundings and get the map.
    mapSurroundings(qiContext).thenConsume(future -> {
        if (future.isSuccess()) {
            ExplorationMap explorationMap = future.get();
            // Store the initial map.
            this.initialExplorationMap = explorationMap;
            // Convert the map to a bitmap.
            Bitmap bitmap = mapToBitmap(explorationMap);
            // Display the bitmap and enable "extend map" button.
            runOnUiThread(() -> {
                if (getLifecycle().getCurrentState().isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED)) {
        } else {
            // If the operation is not a success, re-enable "start mapping" button.
            runOnUiThread(() -> {
                if (getLifecycle().getCurrentState().isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED)) {


In Java, do not forget to find startMappingButton and extendMapButton in the onCreate method and store them in the MainActivity.

In the onCreate method, call startMappingStep when the startMappingButton is clicked:

// Set the button onClick listener.
startMappingButton.setOnClickListener {
    // Check that the Activity owns the focus.
    val qiContext = qiContext ?: return@setOnClickListener
    // Start the mapping step.
// Set the button onClick listener.
startMappingButton.setOnClickListener(ignored -> {
    // Check that the Activity owns the focus.
    if(qiContext == null) return;
    // Start the mapping step.

Override the onResume method to reset the UI state when the MainActivity appears:

override fun onResume() {
    // Reset UI and variables state.
    startMappingButton.isEnabled = false
    extendMapButton.isEnabled = false
    initialExplorationMap = null
protected void onResume() {
    // Reset UI and variables state.
    initialExplorationMap = null;

And put the following code in the onRobotFocusGained method:

// Enable "start mapping" button.
runOnUiThread {
    startMappingButton.isEnabled = true
// Enable "start mapping" button.
runOnUiThread(() -> startMappingButton.setEnabled(true));


It is possible to save the ExplorationMap in a File to reuse it later. You can find an example in Return To Map Frame.

Map extension

Add a publishExplorationMap method. It will use a LocalizeAndMap action and a callback to get the current ExplorationMap every 2 seconds:

private fun publishExplorationMap(localizeAndMap: LocalizeAndMap, updatedMapCallback: (ExplorationMap) -> Unit): Future<Void> {
    // Retrieve the map.
    return localizeAndMap.async().dumpMap().andThenCompose {
        // Call the callback with the map.
        // Wait for 2 seconds.
        FutureUtils.wait(2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    }.andThenCompose {
        // Call the method recursively.
        publishExplorationMap(localizeAndMap, updatedMapCallback)
private Future<Void> publishExplorationMap(LocalizeAndMap localizeAndMap, Consumer<ExplorationMap> updatedMapCallback) {
    // Retrieve the map.
    return localizeAndMap.async().dumpMap().andThenCompose(explorationMap -> {
        // Call the callback with the map.
        // Wait for 2 seconds.
        return FutureUtils.wait(2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    }).andThenCompose(ignored -> {
        // Call the method recursively.
        return publishExplorationMap(localizeAndMap, updatedMapCallback);

Add an extendMap method to extend a map and be notified when a new map is available. We’ll use the LocalizeAndMapBuilder.withMap method to extend the initial map:

private fun extendMap(explorationMap: ExplorationMap, qiContext: QiContext, updatedMapCallback: (ExplorationMap) -> Unit): Future<Void> {
    // Create a Promise to set the operation state later.
    val promise = Promise<Void>().apply {
        // If something tries to cancel the associated Future, do cancel it.
        setOnCancel {
            if (!it.future.isDone) {

    // Create a LocalizeAndMap with the initial map, run it, and keep the Future.
    val localizeAndMapFuture = LocalizeAndMapBuilder.with(qiContext)
            .andThenCompose { localizeAndMap ->
                // Create a Future for map notification.
                var publishExplorationMapFuture: Future<Void>? = null

                // Add an OnStatusChangedListener to know when the robot is localized.
                localizeAndMap.addOnStatusChangedListener { status ->
                    if (status == LocalizationStatus.LOCALIZED) {
                        // Start the map notification process.
                        publishExplorationMapFuture = publishExplorationMap(localizeAndMap, updatedMapCallback)

                // Run the LocalizeAndMap.
                localizeAndMap.async().run().thenConsume {
                    // Remove the OnStatusChangedListener.
                    // Stop the map notification process.
                    // In case of error, forward it to the Promise.
                    if (it.hasError() && !promise.future.isDone) {

    // Return the Future associated to the Promise.
    return promise.future.thenCompose {
        // Stop the LocalizeAndMap.
        return@thenCompose it
private Future<Void> extendMap(ExplorationMap explorationMap, QiContext qiContext, Consumer<ExplorationMap> updatedMapCallback) {
    // Create a Promise to set the operation state later.
    Promise<Void> promise = new Promise<>();
    // If something tries to cancel the associated Future, do cancel it.
    promise.setOnCancel(ignored -> {
        if (!promise.getFuture().isDone()) {

    // Create a LocalizeAndMap with the initial map, run it, and keep the Future.
    Future<Void> localizeAndMapFuture = LocalizeAndMapBuilder.with(qiContext)
            .andThenCompose(localizeAndMap -> {
                // Create a Future for map notification.
                final Future<Void>[] publishExplorationMapFuture = new Future[]{null};

                // Add an OnStatusChangedListener to know when the robot is localized.
                localizeAndMap.addOnStatusChangedListener(status -> {
                    if (status == LocalizationStatus.LOCALIZED) {
                        // Start the map notification process.
                        publishExplorationMapFuture[0] = publishExplorationMap(localizeAndMap, updatedMapCallback);

                // Run the LocalizeAndMap.
                return localizeAndMap.async().run().thenConsume(future -> {
                    // Remove the OnStatusChangedListener.
                    // Stop the map notification process.
                    if (publishExplorationMapFuture[0] != null) {

                    // In case of error, forward it to the Promise.
                    if (future.hasError() && !promise.getFuture().isDone()) {

    // Return the Future associated to the Promise.
    return promise.getFuture().thenCompose(future -> {
        // Stop the LocalizeAndMap.
        return future;

Add a startMapExtensionStep method to start the map extension step. It will use the previously created methods:

private fun startMapExtensionStep(initialExplorationMap: ExplorationMap, qiContext: QiContext) {
    // Disable "extend map" button.
    extendMapButton.isEnabled = false
    // Start the map extension and notify each time the map is updated.
    extendMap(initialExplorationMap, qiContext) { updatedMap ->
        // Convert the map to a bitmap.
        val updatedBitmap = mapToBitmap(updatedMap)
        // Display the bitmap.
        runOnUiThread {
            if (lifecycle.currentState.isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED)) {
    }.thenConsume { future ->
        // If the operation is not a success, re-enable "extend map" button.
        if (!future.isSuccess) {
            runOnUiThread {
                if (lifecycle.currentState.isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED)) {
                    extendMapButton.isEnabled = true
private void startMapExtensionStep(ExplorationMap initialExplorationMap, QiContext qiContext) {
    // Disable "extend map" button.
    // Start the map extension and notify each time the map is updated.
    extendMap(initialExplorationMap, qiContext, updatedMap -> {
        // Convert the map to a bitmap.
        Bitmap updatedBitmap = mapToBitmap(updatedMap);
        // Display the bitmap.
        runOnUiThread(() -> {
            if (getLifecycle().getCurrentState().isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED)) {
    }).thenConsume(future -> {
        // If the operation is not a success, re-enable "extend map" button.
        if (!future.isSuccess()) {
            runOnUiThread(() -> {
                if (getLifecycle().getCurrentState().isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED)) {

In the onCreate method, call startMapExtensionStep when the extendMapButton is clicked:

extendMapButton.setOnClickListener {
    // Check that an initial map is available.
    val initialExplorationMap = initialExplorationMap ?: return@setOnClickListener
    // Check that the Activity owns the focus.
    val qiContext = qiContext ?: return@setOnClickListener
    // Start the map extension step.
    startMapExtensionStep(initialExplorationMap, qiContext)
extendMapButton.setOnClickListener(ignored -> {
    // Check that an initial map is available.
    if (initialExplorationMap == null) return;
    // Check that the Activity owns the focus.
    if (qiContext == null) return;
    // Start the map extension step.
    startMapExtensionStep(initialExplorationMap, qiContext);

Let’s try it

github_icon The sources for this tutorial are available on GitHub.

Step Action

Install and run the application.

For further details, see: Running an application.

Choose “Extend a map”.
Close the robot’s charging flap.
Click on “Start mapping”.
Wait for the robot to complete its 360° turn. The map should appear on the tablet.
Click on “Extend map”.
Wait for the map representation to update.
Open the robot’s charging flap.
Give the robot a tour by gently and securely pushing it, one hand on its lower back the other on its shoulder.

Result: see the map updating as the robot moves.


You are now able to extend a map and display it on Pepper’s tablet!