Animation Mode

The Animation Mode offers another way you to create movements.

In this mode, the robot behaves like a puppet that you can manipulate, letting you record his posture in a Timeline.

In this mode, tactile commands help you manipulate the robot.
For further details, see: Stiffness-control tactile commands.

Starting an animation

To start an animation using Animation Mode:

Step Action

Make sure Animation Editor is connected to a real robot.

How do I know?

The Connect button should be connect_on, not connect.

If not, see: Connecting to a real robot.

Click the anim_mode_on Enable Animation Mode button.

The button changes: anim_mode_off, meaning the Animation Mode is on.

Defining and storing postures

To define and store postures, repeat the following steps for each posture:

Step Action
Select a Frame.
Use Stiffness-control tactile commands to manipulate the limbs of the robot, one by one, in order to make the robot take the posture you want to store.

Use the Edit menu to create keys:


Exiting Animation Mode

To exit the Animation Mode:

Step Action
  • Click the anim_mode_off Animation Mode button, or
  • Lay you hand on the 3 Head tactile sensors for 3 seconds.

The button turns: anim_mode_on, meaning the Animation Mode is off.

Note: if Animation Editor is disconnected from your robot, the Animation Mode is automatically stopped.

Stiffness-control tactile commands

You can use tactile commands to manage the stiffness:

Limb Stiffness control
Head Touch the middle head tactile sensor to toggle the stiffness.
Arms Keep touching hand tactile sensors to maintain stiffness off.

Visual feedback

A visual feedback lets you know which limb is currently stiffened or not.

Color code

  • Yellow means that the Stiffness is On,
  • Green means that the Stiffness is Off.


  • Head: upper Eye LEDs
  • Arms: all Eye LEDs except upper