Hello World

Let’s getting started with the Animation Editor.

Follow this Hello World to create your first, very simple, movement: lower and lift up the head, as if to greet.

Define an initial posture

Step Action

Choose Robot > Postures > Stand.

This is a perfect initial posture.


Choose Edit > Create whole body key(s).

The registered key(s) are displayed on both Dopesheet and Curves views.

They are positioned on the first frame, near the green start flag.


Add a new key to lower Pepper’s head

Step Action  

Select another Frame, let say the Frame 15.

The blue line shows the selected Frame.


On the Robot 3D view, select the head.

Sliders and wheels appear, allowing you to move the head.


Drag the green wheel or the HeadPitch Slider in order to lower the head.

The head key is automatically created on Frame 15.


Add a new key to lift up Pepper’s head

Step Action  
Select another Frame, let say the Frame 30.  

Drag the green wheel or the HeadPitch Slider in order to lift up the head.

The head key is automatically created on Frame 30.


Test your animation

Step Action

Choose Robot > Play animation.

You can see the defined motion played on the Robot 3D view.

Our head movement is a little bit brisk and stiff, let’s adjust the timing of execution by shifting the of the movement.

Tuning the timing

To move a sequence of Keys:

Step Action  
On the Frame axis, select the 2 last Keys. ../../_images/tune_timing.png
Drag the blue bar in order to move the selection on the right.

Test again

Now the head movement is more solemn.

What you have learned

You have learned to create an animation composed of an initial posture and several keys.

For further details, see: Creating Keyframes.